WaveBit — Non database, ultra secret, instant messagingI have been thinking about this publication for a while. I decided to present to the public the application programming interface (API) of…Feb 1, 2024Feb 1, 2024
Robustness of a Markov Blanket Discovery Approach to Adversarial Attack in Image Segmentation: An…Let’s see how this style goes…Mar 9, 2023Mar 9, 2023
How does the initial core temperature affect protostellar disc fragmentation?Small-scale fragmentation of a protostellar disc takes place in pre-stellar cores and such fragmentation leads to the formation of close…Dec 24, 2022Dec 24, 2022
Cálculo de probabilidades de transición usando Dataframe en JuliaPara este artículo he decidido que escribiré en Español. Quisiera hacer un ejercicio sencillo de generar unos datos sintéticos, colocarlos…Oct 15, 2022Oct 15, 2022
How Zara came to beZara was founded in 1975 by Amancio Ortega and his wife Rosalía Mera. Amancio Ortega is a Spanish businessman who is the co-founder and…Jun 25, 2022Jun 25, 2022
Each art has a storyOur ideas can be transformed into art using probabilities and algorithms.May 6, 2022May 6, 2022
I just created my first A.I art and I am very happy!I couldn’t believe my eyes as the computer screen displayed the finished product. My beautiful artwork, created by a machine! I was amazed…May 3, 2022May 3, 2022
How to create a Synthetic Survival Data (SSD), 9 features with 2 of them in the linear combination…To understand how the data might be related among them, we begin with a set of basic instructions on creating synthetic data that will feed…Apr 28, 2022Apr 28, 2022